Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Adventure Begins

The Adventure Begins by Jereme Peabody

So I've decided to begin blogging. I'm not entirely sure how to start this thing... but here I go!

I guess I should start with a description :

This blog will serve mostly as a collection of ideas and concepts that I've either come across or managed to think up myself to help inspire me in my current D&D campaign. I'm hoping to have posts concerning cities, characters, adventure hooks, monsters and who knows what else. If stats are used, I will be referring to the 4th edition D&D rules. For the most part though everything I'm thinking of posting will be entirely system independent. Therefore being focused mostly on concepts and ideas referring more to the story telling and less to rules in specific.

By posting these ideas here I will hopefully better be able to organize my ideas and story arcs in the campaign as well as share ideas with whom ever comes across them.

 If all goes well, this blog will be long lived and the road ahead will be filled with adventure.

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